The world’s first mobile App to check sun glare

Xiaojiang Li
2 min readDec 8, 2022


In winter, the dazzling sun becomes more annoying for drivers. This is because the sun is very low, and the low sun happens when we commute. Three years ago, I developed a novel method to predict the occurrence of sun glare and published the work in a top transportation journal, Transportation Research C: Emerging Technologies. I proposed to use deep learning and geo-tagged street-level images to predict the possibility of the glaring sun reaching the driver’s eyes. I also wrote a blog on medium, if you are interested please check it out here. Now, I have finally developed a mobile App to turn academic papers into a public product to benefit more people. The App is called “SunGlare” and is available on App Store. Here are what the App looks like,

SunGlare iOS App

In Biometeors, we have generated the sun glare map for all interstate and state highways in the United States. If you download the App, you will be able to check the minute-level accurate sun glare prediction results in the US. Also, you can check the dashboard of the sunglare. By draging the yellow control point, you will be able to check the solar position for anytime in one day. The App also provide tips for moderate glare and strong sun glares, like clean windshield, wear sun glasses, leave more room, and check the glare free routes.

Another cool feature is the overlay of sun path on the map. Users can check the positions of sun at different times and check which roads have sun glares and users should be aware. Also, the App presents the radar map, of cause, there is no glaring sun during raining days and cloudy days.



Xiaojiang Li

Spatial Data Scientist, Urban Scientists, Prof at UPenn, Founder of Biomteors, Alum of MIT Senseable,,