A mobile App to check the maps of neighborhood socioeconomic statuses

Xiaojiang Li
3 min readMar 30, 2023


Recently, I have been looking for a rental house in the suburbs of Baltimore, Maryland. I am new to Baltimore so I consulted with many colleagues who are familiar with the city. I get a rough idea about the neighborhoods of the Baltimore metropolitan area. However, I want to know more about these areas. As a geographer, I automatically think about creating maps of the socio-economic status in the Baltimore metropolitan area to help me find a good neighborhood to live in. Recently, I am learning and developing iOS mobile App. For example, I spend about 1 year teaching myself how to use Swift to develop a mobile App and successfully developed the mobile App of SunGlare based on a previous study published on Transportation Research C: Emerging Technologies. I wrote a medium blog about this before. So, I would like to create a mobile App to help me check the socio-economic status in Baltimore. Based on my previous experience in mobile App development, it is much easier for me to turn this idea into an App this time.

The new mobile App is called “Neighborhood Facts” and is available on App Store now.

Neighborhood Facts on App store.

You can download it for free and explore neighborhoods in the US. For example, here are the income, race/ethnicity, and educational level distributions in Philadelphia.

Fig. The income, race/ethnicity, and educational level in Philadelphia

Here are maps for Baltimore, MD.

It is so interesting to check those maps in other cities in the US. For example, the capital city of the United States, is Washington, DC. Here is the race/ethnicity composition in DC.

Race/ethnicity map of Washington, DC.

There are also some other fun things you may find if you explore the App. For example, Villanova University, a university in the suburbs of Philadelphia. You can find the Villanova University campus is the least educated area. You may be surprised, how a region with a university is the least educated area in this region. Well, this is because most of those students are not graduated yet, and the region is home to high-income and very educated people. You can find similar patterns on other university campuses. Welcome to download the App for free and explore neighborhoods in the US. If you want to see even more detailed information, you can subscribe and you will also get an ad-free experience.



Xiaojiang Li

Spatial Data Scientist, Urban Scientists, Prof at UPenn, Founder of Biomteors, Alum of MIT Senseable, http://www.urbanspatial.info, http://www.biometeors.com